Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

It is the Tuesday night before Halloween. Our tradition is to carve our pumpkins and then watch Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin. Here is the recap. This year I broke down and bought the carving tools. Since I only got one set, I carved my pumpkin before Shelley got home from work. I carved a scarecrow into my pumpkin. When Shells got home he was happy to see my pumpkin, but disappointed because carving a pumpkin is "his job". I of course, had another pumpkin to for him to carve. He is so detailed and does a great job. He and Nicholas picked out the skull and crossbones design.

Here are the pumpkins lit up.
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One of the best things about being a parent is experiencing things with your children. The excitement of carving pumpkins, drinking Hot Chocolate, and watching Charlie Brown, even though they have done all these things before, you would have thought we were headed to Disney World. I love this part of being a parent. I love watching them get excited over the little things. I thank Jesus that He has given us this HUGE responsibility of celebrating life with three wonderful children.

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