Thursday, January 01, 2009

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This Christmas was a whirlwind of greatness sprinkled with numerous blessings. I am so thankful to get to celebrate the season of my Savior's birth with a wonderful husband, three terrific children, and a GENEROUS family. Presents were bountiful, spirits were high, and we are to put is simply, SPOILED. I can't believe it is already 2009 and my oldest will turn eight.
All through the season, we were trying to explain to Charby that Santa was coming. Her only ideas about Santa were that she gets her picture taken with him and he gives out candy canes. So whenever anyone, and everyone, asked her what Santa was bringing her for Christmas, her answer was "candy canes". Her brothers would quickly correct her and tell her that Santa brings presents. She would again insist it was candy canes. The morning of Christmas came and Santa brought her a motorized Princess bike, which she hardly lets anyone else ride :) Today, Jan. 1, she turns to me out of the blue and says, "Santa coming tonight.. he brings presents.." Now she gets it!! She constantly tells us she needs to go to the North Pole.
Many times over the last couple of days Luke will be focused on a video game and will say (quite loudly, because he doesn't have a volume control) "I love Christmas because it brings me a DS". So yes the magic of Christmas has visited our house. My thoughts now are how to impart on to these bundles of joy that yes Santa is fun and presents are nice, but Jesus is our greatest gift. I am truly thankful that He has given me this wonderful family to experience life with. Now and everyday, please send me the wisdom to guide these children to be Your Servants. Help us seek you Lord Jesus in all that we do!

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