Sunday, September 16, 2007

Big First Birthday

I promised to catch everyone up, so here it goes!! Back in July, Charby turned 1. Birthdays in our house are huge event. It starts with your birthday breakfast and the celebration is not over until you go to bed. A day full of doing whatever you want. Fortunately, a one year old doesn't communicate her wants as well as a 4 or 6 year old. Big brothers has plenty of opinions as to what the Birthday Girl wanted to do today!!
The ladybug cake was a complete success. The cupcake head was Charlotte's piece. She wasn't really sure what to do with it. We helped her!!
She got a new outfit from Grammy and Grandfafa, as well as the big birthday hat. Needless to say she DID NOT get to eat cake in this pretty dress!!

Cake Cake Everywhere!!!
Grammy holds her in new dress from Aunt Melissa and Uncle Justin. They also gave her this toy. It has become one of those favorite toys. It is magnetic and sticks to the fridge. It has about 10 pieces and makes a lot of noise. Not only does Charlotte love it, the boys seems to enjoy it just as much. I am constantly picking up the pieces, after I have stepped on them, and putting them back on the fridge. I am trying to make sure I don't loose any so that when we are done with it, we can pass it back to Aunt Melissa and Uncle Justin. HAHAHAHA!!!

1 comment:

Cher said...

She's too adorable! Happy belated b-day!